Hargreaves Narrowboat volunteers have been busy supporting the Canal and River Trusts’ #PlasticsChallenge campaign by removing and recycling plastics found on our local waterways.
The Canal and River Trust is on a mission to remove plastic waste from the waterway network and everyone can help. Peter Birch, National Environmental Policy Advisor for the Canal ands River Trust commented recently
“If everyone who visited one of our canals or rivers picked up just one piece of plastic, they would be clear within a year”
The Hargreaves Narrowboat Trust recognises this problem and organises regular litter picks whilst cruising the local waterways. You will see from the pictures below that most of the litter is recyclable and after collection we ensure it is removed to the correct recycling centres.
To find out how you can take part visit the Canal and River Trusts website https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/news-and-views/features/plastic-and-litter-in-our-canals or follow these simple steps:
Take the #PlasticsChallenge
The next time you visit a waterway near you:
- Pick up just one piece of plastic
- Take a photo of you with it and share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #PlasticsChallenge
- Take it home with you and either bin it or recycle it correctly